
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Dr. Wayne Carver Documentary, The Unjust Defamation Of A Whistleblower (Post156)

2019.12.29 (AE) - This blog Post156 is the REBIRTH of a very important video… below is the original blog post description, original link, and new video files...

2016.12.10 (AE) - This documentary provides DEFINITIVE PROOF that Dr. Wayne Carver strongly OPPOSED Bill# 1054, an act regarding the “Disclosure Of Child Autopsies", which was instigated by the 2007 Cheshire Murders… it then documents the immediate ATTACKS upon Dr. Carver by prominent members of the Sandy Hook HOAX Group… those same members were working closely with another HOAX member who had just recently become an “Ex” Connecticut Judicial Employee (ie, working for the Governor Malloy Administration) and they were also ATTACKING Dr. Carver with baseless accusations and outright LIES…... why???



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1 comment:

  1. Jeez, the Jonathan Reich call to the poor receptionist is extremely chilling.

    I wonder if ole Jonathan was on parole/had a diversion for a crime that came with a condition..
