
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Commentary On Dead Men Tell No Tales, Monsignor Meth Loses A Friend (Post197)

2020.9.29 (AE) - This video is **COMMENTARY** on blog Post196 … that post is a REBIRTH of my 2015.9.26 video discussing the fate of Father Colin McKenna…


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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Dead Men Tell No Tales, Monsignor Meth Loses A Friend (Post196)

2020.9.29 (AE) - This blog Post196 is the REBIRTH of a very important video… below is the original blog post description, original link, and new video files...

2015.9.26 (AE) - 'Canary In A Coal Mine' ~ The Police (1980)


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PROPADEMIC; No Lockdown Sweden Has Lower Death Ratio Than England & USA (Post195)

2020.9.18 (AE) - Perhaps those advocating a second lockdown in England, and those now pushing for mandatory face diapers in the USA, can explain why the unfairly maligned Sweden has a better death ratio than both countries???… Sweden followed the, until now, standard scientific “Herd Immunity” strategy which has already proven to be correct, and will continue to show success as they are fully open for business and deaths are down to very low levels.

So now we should ask why there were so many anti Sweden PROPAGANDA reports by the western media… is it because science based natural “Herd Immunity” completely eliminates the need for a hastily created, safety questionable, but big pharma profitable, arm jabs???...


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PROPADEMIC; Commentary On Trump Presidential Line Of Succession, Task Force, Our Saviors (Post194)

2020.9.7 (AE) - This video is **COMMENTARY** on blog Post193 … that video discusses the Trump Presidential Line Of Succession, the White House Emergency Task Force, and the Democratic Party opposition… the “Emergency Powers” declared, and being used, allow non-Constitutional extrajudicial actions until the “Public Health Emergency” ends, but there is no timeline for this “emergency”, so it could last forever… this is the perfect way to implement Fascism in the United States, and throughout the world...


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PROPADEMIC; Trump Presidential Line Of Succession, Task Force, Our Saviors (Post193)

2020.9.7 (AE) - This video discusses the Trump Presidential Line Of Succession, the White House Emergency Task Force, and the Democratic Party opposition… the “Emergency Powers” declared, and being used, allow non-Constitutional extrajudicial actions until the “Public Health Emergency” ends, but there is no timeline for this “emergency”, so it could last forever… this is the perfect way to implement Fascism in the United States, and throughout the world...


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