
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Commentary On Advisory Commission EXPOSED, Peter Lanza Consent DECEPTION (Post146)

2019.9.30 (AE) - This video is **COMMENTARY** on blog Post145 which discusses the following information…
The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission (SHAC) Report improperly claims they “lacked direct access to records” of Adam Lanza’s private information… **THIS IS 100% FALSE** … the following video PROVES they had FULL access to ALL records, and they even admit this on video!!… the real truth is that they did NOT want any records in their possession because they are a public body, and any records in their files would then be available to the public via FOIA request… one Commission member, a Yale Psychiatry Professor, was strangely adamant that Peter Lanza NOT testify before the Commission, as he volunteered to do...


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1 comment:

  1. This, right here is compelling enough alone to convince many that the Commission was hiding something. And, more importantly had an interest in AL's records NOT coming to light, as you imply. How many scenarios could their be to cause this behavior? Are they just taking orders? Are they helping some fellow agency who is attempting to conceal their actions in re. to AL?
