
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Adam Lanza's Criminal Record Background Check, 17 Pages Long!, Why Is This Still A Secret? (Post68)

2018.11.11 (AE) - This video shows information about Adam Lanza’s criminal background check conducted on the day of Sandy Hook… the report was 17 pages long!, but it was completely REDACTED in the Final Reports… why is this information still a secret?


Why is Connecticut hiding this information?… shouldn’t mental health professionals know EVERYTHING about Adam in order to prevent another massacre???



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  1. Amazing video; I find "confidential informant/witness" as a redaction reason quite amusing. Basically we are flagging them already as a snitch by putting that reason there.

    Definitely will not have any of the shills asking why his record was redacted, goes against both narratives of one side acting insane and then the other side calling out how insane that side is.

    What worries me about SH is the lack of whistleblowing; is CT that corrupt that good people won't speak up? The whole moving of resources around the coverup (multi-state) makes me worry about what else could've went on around the Lanzas which could be federally related.

    Amazing exclusives as always Joel; I still find myself checking your website daily even after all the years which has passed.


    1. Hi R.,
      Thanks for the thoughtful comment... much appreciated.

      I've been contacted by a number of people in Newtown over the years, from various backgrounds... to a person they are PETRIFIED of speaking on the record... some of that is job related, but much of it is due to fear of being stalked by HOAX lunatics, which has been an EXTREMELY effective way of keeping everyone quiet.

      The evidence leads me to conclude that this was a Federal, State, and Local coordinated COVERUP... that's why it started within a few short hours of the event, why it's so complete, and why so many resources have been used to push a coordinated narrative while burying the evidence.

      Have a great day,

    2. "What worries me about SH is the lack of whistleblowing" it's almost like there's nothing to blow the whistle on...

    3. Hi Anonymous Coward,
      Sure, except for the fact that Dr. Wayne Carver did exactly that on international TV... then they sent the dogs after him... criminals stalked, THREATENED, and harassed him.
      Attorney Pinsky was THREATENED not to bring any lawsuits against the State as soon as he started representing the family of a surviving child... then they sent goons to shoot up his law office.
      Nothing to see here,

    4. What exactly did Carver blow the whistle on? It's been so long since I've seen "we need to talk about SH" that I forget.

    5. Hi Anonymous Coward,
      LOLOLOL... don't try to link me to that TRASH... go watch Dr. Wayne Carver's press conference.

    6. Seen it many times. No whistle blowing. Care to differ then out with it: he blew the whistle on what?

    7. Hi Anonymous Coward,
      A clear gunshot can be heard at 9.46.54 AM... how do you think the 7 minute old DEAD body of Adam Lanza pulled off that trick?... or could it be that the police LIED?
      I wonder why CT Judicial had an employee publishing "HOAX" articles and working with the top level HOAX members. 🤔
      Take care now,

    8. So no answer then on what whistle was blown on? Got it.

    9. Hi Anonymous Coward,
      Watch the honorable Dr. Wayne Carver's video, it's 100% obvious.
      This is why CT Judicial sent parolees after him, to harass and threaten him... he was already an enemy of the Malloy admin, a very outspoken critic, so he blew the whistle on international TV.

    10. Watched it. No whistle blowing and you can't tell me what he said.

  2. Anonymous jackass
    Adam blew the principal away. That right there is a message whether it was intended or not. Parents who were planning on suing went to a parent teacher conference and while they were there, their house was burned down. Their attorney's office was shot up. The state police threatened to jail anyone discussing the case unless it was info that came from the state police. Connecticut passed a law with a 5 year jail punishment after someone from the coroner's office discussed Adams body.
    Anyone with any common sense in Connecticut will keep their mouths shut.
    Now why the media doesnt sue for info- I have no info on that.
    BTW are you King Crenshaw fishing for info for your channel? Because Toney won't want you covering this.
    Good day

  3. Oh I forgot, 12 mos post Sandy Hook several Newtown police were indicted for drugs and guns. So who can a whistleblower in Newtown really trust?
    And right now the most recent school shootings- they were students at their schools.
    They didn't just randomly strike out at a school where they had no ties.
    Cruz was a very recent former student.
    So please explain why Adam, who lived a cushy skateboarder life would just shoot up that school all by himself? Why is he so different?
    This was a revenge killing but I don't believe they've proven that Adam was the only shooter that day.
