
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Wolfgang Halbig Promotes Anti Jewish HATE Video, Comes Out Of Nazi White Supremacist Closet (Post70)

2018.11.22 (AE) - This **EXCLUSIVE** video documents how top level Sandy Hook HOAX member Wolfgang Halbig is promoting an EXTREMELY racist, anti Black, anti Jewish, and pro Nazi White Supremacist video on his Twitter account, multiple times… the video titled “The Hidden Hand” is the epitome of modern White Supremacist thought, philosophy, and propaganda… the following expose details how this twisted FALSE Christian theory (ie, British Israelism, Christian Identity) claims the “White Race” are the “Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel”, and the current “Jews" are really “The Synagogue Of Satan” and must be ELIMINATED, therefore justifying a new Holocaust… equally disturbing are the links to the modern Republican Party which has embraced this pro Nazi White Supremacist doctrine via the infiltration of the racist MAGA Trump Cult...

Wolfgang Halbig just proved my original claims from years ago were 100% CORRECT… the great majority of the top Sandy Hook HOAX leaders are anti Jewish, Holocaust Deniers, pro Nazi, racists, and White Supremacist HATE mongers...



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Chalk Hill School DEBUNKED, Move Was AFTER Shootings, Wolfgang Halbig LIES (Post69)

2018.11.16 (AE) - This video fully DEBUNKS the preposterous theory that Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) was relocated to Chalk Hill Middle School in Monroe BEFORE the Sandy Hook shootings… I present a chronology of photographic and documentary evidence from throughout the 2012-2013 School Year which PROVES beyond any doubt that SHES was operating out of the 12 Dickenson Dr. location… also **EXCLUSIVE** never seen before email evidence documents the Newtown School Board discussing of the move.

This video thoroughly DEBUNKS this ridiculous theory first promoted by Wolfgang Halbig, and later supported by Dr. Eowyn's Fellowship Of The Minds blog, James Tracy’s MemoryHoleBlog, and Jim Fetzer’s blog… all top level “HOAX” promoters, all 100% WRONG...



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Adam Lanza's Criminal Record Background Check, 17 Pages Long!, Why Is This Still A Secret? (Post68)

2018.11.11 (AE) - This video shows information about Adam Lanza’s criminal background check conducted on the day of Sandy Hook… the report was 17 pages long!, but it was completely REDACTED in the Final Reports… why is this information still a secret?


Why is Connecticut hiding this information?… shouldn’t mental health professionals know EVERYTHING about Adam in order to prevent another massacre???



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Shills Can NOT Debunk 54 Pages Of Guns, 911 Call Timeline, CT Judicial COVERUP (Post67)

2018.11.9 (AE) - This video calls out all of the Sandy Hook SHILLS who promoted pure DISINFO theories on YouTube for years… however, when REAL and damning evidence from the Final Reports is presented which PROVES the official story is a COVERUP (ie, “54 Pages” of Nancy Lanza’s BATF gun records being confiscated from her home due to “GRAND JURY MATERIAL", and the 911 Call Timeline being manipulated) these SHILLS have headed for the hills, never to be seen again… it’s interesting how many of them were directly linked to Connecticut Judicial...



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Newtown Bee Stinger QKultra DEBUNKED, Metadata EXIF Data In YouTube Videos Explained (Post66)

2018.11.4 (AE) - This video fully DEBUNKS the claims set forth in the documentary "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook” (WNTTASH) segment by QKultra, and in his followup supplemental YouTube video titled "Newtown Bee Stinger"QKultra's claim is that a Newtown Bee YouTube video, containing the famous first photos, was uploaded THE DAY BEFORE the Sandy Hook event based on viewing the “Metadata” of the downloaded video file.

My video conclusively proves that this is NOT true using the following tools...

Amnesty International YouTube DataViewer:


Jeffrey's Image Metadata Viewer:


Apple MacOS X Finder:

[Built in MacOS X file system]



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