
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Hardcore Conspiracy Theorist CW Wade EXPOSED, Tin Foil Hat Gun Nut Unhinged Projector (Post47)

2018.6.6 (AE) - This video highlights the activities of an internet cyber stalker, a tin foil hat "Hardcore Conspiracy Theorist”, who is a psychological projector...



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  1. Looking forward to more threats... just playing the words out of your own yapper.

    1. Still on Wade's nuts huh? Where did he earn his tin foil hat? I know where you earned yours. Good on you for calling out an HCCT.

    2. It amazes me how much you guys get upset by JFK (of HCCT). You must be CW Wade, or someone really close to him. You make me laugh.

      Frank Jackson

      P.S NASA landed on the Moon, President Kennedy was shot by Oswald and CW Wade is disingenuous

    3. Hi Anonymous Coward,
      You don't see me traveling to Dallas to look through the silly 6th Floor window.
      I never scrambled over to Nicole Simpson's house to see the horrific bloody murder scene.
      No, those are both admissions by CW Wade, out of his own mouth, proving he's a "Hardcore Conspiracy Theorist".
      I actually prefer to investigate cases, and discover REAL evidence, like **54 PAGES** of Nancy Lanza's gun records being confiscated by the BATF, or gunshots going off **7 MINUTES AFTER** Adam Lanza was already supposedly dead.
      It's about time CW apologize to the Sandy Hook victim he attacked for absolutely no reason.

  2. So your mission is to make video after video to try to make us believe debunker shill wade is smart enough to see through all those lies and smart enought to realize six million jews did not get exterminated? lol. Your obsessive constant shilling for wade is transparent.

    1. Hi Anonymous Coward,
      CW was working with multiple Nazi White Supremacists who are hardcore Holocaust Deniers.
      Those same "anti HOAX" Nazis were exchanging info with their long time Nazi friends who just happened to be working for "HOAX"... I've proven this over and over.
      If you call that shilling for CW then you're out of your mind, which you obviously are since you're claiming the Holocaust did not happen, which it provably did.
