
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; 2008 Warning Of Mass Shooting By Adam Lanza's Friend, Called School, Did Not Call CSP Due To NPD THREATS!! (Post50)

2018.6.27 (AE) - This video shows an FBI Report detailing an interview with a male friend of Adam Lanza who's statement claims he, encouraged by a female friend, made multiple phone calls in 2008 warning that a mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School (SHES) was being planned by Adam… the male friend called SHES and spoke to a female employee who stated "she had previous run-ins with Lanza", and requested that the caller contact the Newtown Police Department (NPD)… the male friend then called the NPD and was told the local police could do nothing about this since Nancy Lanza owned her guns legally, the NPD officer then THREATENED the caller by THREATENING "to contact the [REDACTED]”… the male friend then called the female friend to explain, and she insisted he now call the Connecticut State Police (CSP), but he refused to do this since “he was scared of the THREATS from NPD”

The exact nature of the THREATS from the NPD officer are not clear since those details have been conveniently [REDACTED] from the FBI Report…



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  1. Joel

    I've never understood claim by the male friend that Adam Lanza did the shooting because he hated his mother's alleged contact with the school and the students. But i've been lead to believe she was never a teacher, and only had involvement comparable to any other parent i.e. story-times, parental events etc.

    What's your opinion on this?

    Frank Jackson

    1. However, on a more general note, it's super interesting that NPD threatened (allegedly) the male friend. I wonder why? I feel, like you, that there is a genuine claim that the local police (and possibly CSP) as well as the school board and Connecticut education department are in part liable for the events at SH.


    2. Hi Frank,
      I've never seen a shred of evidence indicating Nancy had any association or contact with Sandy Hook School after Adam's graduation in 2002... this strange theory was pushed since day one, and Nancy didn't even have a teaching degree.
      That morning there were many of wild reports, from the shooter being a staff member who was just fired, to a domestic assault by a husband on his wife and her class, to finally a son killing his teacher mother and her class... all of these, completely wrong.
      I don't believe these bizarre stories were just irresponsibly reported by the media, since many of them described that they were being provided their information by police sources... then the police allowed the Ryan's names to be reported wrong for many hours... later we got into all the DISINFO about the weapons, and on, and on... we've never seen anything like it at any crime scene in history.
      I'd say something is up,

  2. It's still funny to me how some docs show "OPERATION JUICE BOX" began in 2008 while other say it began in 2011!? Either way it was still prior to 2012 ; )

    1. Actually Anonymous, Joel, i've never seen a document at shows Operation Juice Box was in operation in 2008. I don't doubt you guys, however could someone tell where to look/provide a link.

      Frank Jackson

    2. Hi Frank,
      I have an article mentioning it started in 2008 or 2009... I couldn't easily find it but I know I have a copy... this is probably something I should do a short video about.

    3. Yes, please do. I've looked everywhere and I can't find it. Mind you, ever since the EU's General Data Protection Regulation came into force I can no longer access US news sites, especially ones in Connecticut. Gonna have to get a good VPN now. Not much happening on the SH front. Just court cases and ramblings from the Wolfman about school catering.

      Frank Jackson

  3. Is this the Asian friend mentioned in the report a few times?

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      No, I'm very confident this is a completely different person... this person lives out of state.

  4. The Newtown PD and to some extent the Newtown schools were so concerned about what the evidence would show and what their liability would be, they blocked doctors and nurses ability to save someone's life. Obviously this is my opinion and not a fact. But as the years tick off here I am more confident not everyone who died there was given the medical attention they are promised when we pay our property taxes to our towns.
    Right now we have ding dong fbliar grandstanding lecturing about college admissions. God forbid they go after the bad guys with guns and explosives or follow up in Sandy Hook gun running.

    1. Hi Terri,
      I agree, there was a delay in medical aid, and you could hear the instant panic immediately after the gunshot at 9.46.54 AM... the first comment was, "we can't let anyone come in here"... this is likely what caused the delay in calling in an MCI, which is critical, and standard procedure.
      Happy Easter,
