
TURKEY COUP; ‘Disrespect’ By The West, Erdogan Says ‘Terrorism Game Is Over’ In Syria, Iraq & Libya

2016.8.7 (AE) - This video provides nine important clips from a recent speech by Turkey’s President Erdogan… in these clips you will learn exactly why Turkey will be breaking with NATO and forming a new alliance with Russia, very soon… this is one of the GREATEST geopolitical shifts in modern history, and the Western media is virtually SILENT… is this the silence before the storm?

My belief is that Erdogan’s life is in GREAT DANGER, and an ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT IS IMMINENT before his meeting with Russia’s President Putin on 2016.8.9…


2016.8.2 Erdogan; Turkey's People Destroyed Gulen's 40 Year Plan In 20 Hours (Yeni Safak): 


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