"Sergey would agree with me that both of us, Russia, the United States, are deeply committed, and remain committed, to trying to implement the 'Geneva I Principals'... which require a transitional government, by mutual consent, that has full executive authority, in order to allow the people of Syria to decide the future of Syria... we are committed to this..." - John Kerry
May 28, 2013 (AE) - It couldn't be more clear... Russia is going to throw Assad under the bus, just as I first stated in my article here on April 20, followed up in my article here on May 9, and finally in my article here on May 11.
Just listen to the video...
2013.5.27 Lavrov After Meeting With John Kerry (Meeting In Paris To Discuss Preparations For Geneva II Conference On Syria) (Vedamir Dmitrij, youtube.com):
This upcoming "Geneva II Conference On Syria" is quite preposterous... political "actors" who are going to make it appear as if something is actually being negotiated, keeping the illusion alive that Russia and the US are actually still at odds about something, when the facts are as clear as a rigged sporting event... THE FIX IS IN.
So we're supposed to believe that the Russians are so totally misinformed that they have absolutely NO IDEA the entire Syrian conflict has actually been a foreign invasion; by NATO's Free Syrian Army (FSA) terrorist mercenaries, who have been armed, financed, supported, and transported by NATO and the Gulf State Monarchies; to overthrow the Assad government???
If Russia is being honest about the Syria situation then why do they play along with the completely inaccurate western narrative that this is a "Syrian Civil War", when it's obvious that it's a NATO backed foreign invasion??? Could this deception have anything to do with Russia being a "NATO Partner Country" via the "NATO Russia Council" created 2002.5.28???
The entire purpose of the NATO backed foreign invasion of Syria was to force Assad from power, and this only became necessary when the CIA & MI6 backed "Operation Arab Spring" failed to overthrow the democratically elected government of Syrian, unlike the Operation's other successes in the Middle East.
So if NATO's goal was "regime change" in Syria, which they state continuously, and now Russia says it's "deeply committed" to the "Geneva I Principals", which requires a "transitional government"... just where is the evidence that Russia is going to stand by and protect Assad???
I find it fascinating that Boiling Frogs* contributors like Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett, who have also expressed opinions that Russia is preparing to throw Assad under the bus, have been attacked for three weeks in a row by Webster Tarpley on his weekly radio show. Tarpley has ridiculed them for even suggesting such a crazy idea, even though the facts point in that direction.
On Tarpley's most recent show, May 25th, he actually said that it's now time for Boiling Frogs, "people who want to dabble in international analysis", to "change what they've said" and to "take your analysis and correct it... Putin has not sold out Syria"... essentially demanding that they apologize, to someone.
Wow, this is some incredible academic arrogance, especially since the history currently remains unwritten.
So I'd suggest Mr. Tarpley prepare HIS apology letter, for the facts seem clear, at least to me... "NATO Partner Country" Russia is fully onboard for regime change in Syria.
* I have no affiliation with Boiling Frogs, I was just pleased to discover, in an interview of Sibel Edmonds by James Corbett on April 22 (two days after my initial post, I'm proud to say), that someone else actually had the nerve (!) to contemplate the idea that Russia may be preparing to cut Assad loose... and I fully support their freedom of speech.
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