
TRUMP COHEN AUDIO ANALYSIS; ’So We’ll Pay With Cash', EC LLC To Funnel Money, Hide Payments (Post54)

2018.7.25 (AE) - This video provides audio analysis of the secret 2016 Trump Cohen audio recording released yesterday… the controversy over who says “cash” is resolved, however, other questions arise...



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; CW Wade's Flip Flop On Significance Of HOAX Website Insanemedia Being Registered By US Army Cyber Command Member (Post53)

2018.7.21 (AE) - This video discusses CW Wade's incredible "flip flop" about the significance of the Sandy Hook HOAX website “Insanemedia" being originally registered by an active member of US Army Cyber Command...



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Dr. Eowyn’s Links To Falun Gong, 2012 Apocalypse, End Of Days, New Age Doomsday Cult (Post52)

2018.7.9 (AE) - This video discusses one of the top Sandy Hook HOAX promoter’s strange links to the Doomsday Cult named Falun Dafa AKA Falun Gong… this person who operates under the FAKE name “Dr. Eowyn” has a long history of working with the US government, and US military, promoting anti China propaganda… it seems her task has been shifted in recent years to write “HOAX” propaganda on her blog “Fellowship Of The Minds", and to work closely with top intelligence operative Jim Fetzer, who was the leader of dismantling the “911 Truth” movement, and now he’s moved on to destroying the entire “Truth Movement” by flooding it with nonstop preposterous claims that every mass shooting is nothing more than a government orchestrated “HOAX”, using “Crisis Actors”, done for the purpose of demonizing guns and justifying new laws to take away your freedoms...



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SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Adam Lanza Did NOT Leave His Home For THREE Months, DISINFO By FBI, OCA & Sedensky Reports, GPS Proves Travel To NHS & SHES (Post51)

2018.7.6 (AE) - This video discusses how multiple Sandy Hook Massacre evaluation reports promoted the same inaccurate story which claims that "Adam Lanza did NOT leave his home for THREE months before the shootings"… I’ll provide evidence proving that these claims are not true, they are DISINFO...



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