
SANDY HOOK COVENANT; 2012 Apocalypse Linked To HOAX & Falun Gong CIA New Age Doomsday Cult (Post154)

2019.12.21 (AE) - This video celebrates the 7th Anniversary of our survival of the "2012 Apocalypse", and exposes the links between Falun Gong, the Republican Party, Adam Lanza, and the Sandy Hook Massacre...


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  1. The links here are very interesting.

    It never really occurred much to me that the Sandy Hook event was 1 week before "the world was to end" as part of the 2012 conspiracies/prophecies.

    I think it would be extremely difficult to understand what Adam's state of mind was and what his motive would've been for either being an accomplice or key culprit of murdering his mother and a number of others.

    I do feel as if many of the physical outcomes of the massacre actually occurred, however I also think that the overall event as told by media may be synthetically threaded together from other smaller events. (i.e. Adam kills his mother, then an inicident occurs at Sandy Hook where suspects murders children and teachers).

    Either way, the motive for the actual shooting of children at Sandy Hook is not something I'm sure that we can make sense of. (Especially white children if it was a nazi invoked event).

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      There's a long history of Nazi White Supremacists murdering White children, in fact Anders Breivik intentionally targeted the mostly White children of "Liberal" politicians at the summer camp.

      I've covered the links to Falun Gong in a number of previous videos (see below)... one "odd" link was the knife stabbings of children at a school in China the very same morning as Sandy Hook... that murderer was misidentified, like Adam, and later turned out to be a member of the violent Apocalyptic group named "Eastern Lightning", which is also tied to Falun Gong and US agencies.

      Here is a list of my previously released Falun Gong related videos:

      2019.8.29 SANDY HOOK COVENANT; CIA Cult Falun Gong Buying Trump Election Ads, Sent By Heaven (Post138):


      2018.7.9 SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Dr. Eowyn’s Links To Falun Gong, 2012 Apocalypse, End Of Days, New Age Doomsday Cult (Post52):


      2018.3.30 SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Falun Gong Email Threat To Wyoming Senator, Claims Adam Lanza Part Of Doomsday Cult, Bloody Celebration Disaster (Post31):



  2. Thanks Joel.
    Falun Gong linked The Epoch Times touts and parrots pro-Trump WH propaganda, QAnon conspiracies - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Epoch_Times
    They have recently been revealed to have built a huge network of fake accounts on Facebook to promote disinformation - https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/20/business/facebook-ai-generated-profiles.html

    1. Hi Jon,
      Thank you for the links... this is a very serious problem of DISINFO that is being fully supported and spread by the likes of InfoWhores.

      It’s no coincidence that the pro Trump propaganda project called Q-Anon, a complete fraud, has been promoted by InfoWhores, Jerome Corsi (an InfoWhores employee), and the Epoch Times (the newspaper of a cult, LOL), which InfoWores has supported and quoted from for many years.

      Here is a list of my previously released Falun Gong related videos:

      2019.8.29 SANDY HOOK COVENANT; CIA Cult Falun Gong Buying Trump Election Ads, Sent By Heaven (Post138):


      2018.7.9 SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Dr. Eowyn’s Links To Falun Gong, 2012 Apocalypse, End Of Days, New Age Doomsday Cult (Post52):


      2018.3.30 SANDY HOOK COVENANT; Falun Gong Email Threat To Wyoming Senator, Claims Adam Lanza Part Of Doomsday Cult, Bloody Celebration Disaster (Post31):



    2. Thank you so much for what you have done. You deserve a lot of respect for your research and hard work. I'm glad I found your work, it is extremely important and a key to understanding the world in which we live in.
      I've noticed the same people associated with TruNews and InfoWhores. Boykin is one of the key ones. He also goes on the evangelical shows such as Jim Bakker and promotes the QAnon associated "deep state" conspiracies etc. and doomsday prepper conspiracies like Frank Gaffney's EMP fear mongering.

      The EMP scenario is part of the storyline of the film Ameriggedon in which Alex Jones stars - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amerigeddon
      The same network created another propaganda film that featured Jones, Boykin and David Knight - https://www.amazon.com/Revelation-Movie-Charlie-Daniels/dp/B01LW9FTMD

      Bakker sells all the survivalist gear like the freeze-dry food, power generators etc.
      This guy Lt Col Robert Maginnis even has a book about the "deep state" that he pimps on Bakker. As well as the promotion of theory the Christians are being exterminated - https://jimbakkershow.com/guest-bios/lt-col-robert-maginnis/
      He was part of a 'Pentagon military analyst program' created 'to help sell a wary public on "a possible Iraq invasion.' - https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Robert_L._Maginnis
      Here he is on TruNews - https://www.spreaker.com/user/trunews/2-5-ms-patricia-oliver-and-lt-col-bob-ma
      Carl Gallups (a Florida pastor) is another frequent guest on Jim Bakker, pro-Trump, promotes the same talking points as the others and pushes the Sandy Hook hoax line - https://www.salon.com/2016/03/08/trumps_new_wacko_backer_this_sandy_hook_truther_and_obscure_evangelical_pastor_might_be_the_donalds_most_batsht_endorser_yet/

      Gallups has also been a guest on TruNews from the early days - https://www.blogtalkradio.com/trunews/2011/12/02/trunews-december-2-2011

      Rick Wiles himself has been on Jim Bakker on multiple occasions - https://jimbakkershow.morningsidechurchinc.com/news/trunews-rick-wiles-back-on-jim-bakker-show/

      TruNews was also running commercials on Rense Radio for a period of time.

      I'm sure there is a lot more as well.

      All the best and have a Happy New Year.


    3. Hi Jon,
      Thank you for the compliment, it's much appreciated.

      Back at you... that's an excellent set of connections and links you've provided above... some of them I knew, some of them I did not, like the link to Rense which makes so much sense.

      As I'm sure you've realized by now, after doing the amount of research you have, and knowing how much more you could find, that this is a spider's web of so many connections that it's almost impossible to explain to a normal person, especially if they are unfamiliar with all of the characters.

      Everything I've investigate, for many years now, indicates that this is a MASSIVE network of people who are VERY well financed by the same source which uses them to promote coordinated propaganda... I believe that source is wealthy Fascists.

      Have a great New Year!

    4. Thank you. I'm glad that information was at least some help.
      I feel what you are saying.
      Maybe figuring out how to explain these networks to people is something we could work on? I feel a responsibility to do so myself.
      I've completely given up on all 'alt-media'. Everyone is pretty much a shill or brainwashed.

    5. Just broke - Alex Jones ordered to pay $100,000 in Sandy Hook defamation case - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-50960730

  3. Joel, I heard you say on one of your recent videos that Alex Jones' mother was working as a secretary / receptionistr at the Dallas office of the John Birch Society during the time of the Kennedy assassination.

    The problem with this claim is that Alex Jones' mother was born in 1959, which would have made her 14 or 15 years old at the time of the Kennedy assassination in 1963.

    Were you implying that Alex Jones' mother was working at the Dallas office of the John Birch Society at the age of 14 / 15?

    1. Typo: I meant to write "1949" not "1959."

    2. Hi Anonymous,
      These are not my claims, these were statements out of Alex Jones' own mouth that I perssonally heard him say... he's discussed his parents' involvement with JBS a number of times, but once he went into more detail and mentioned his mother was working in the JBS Dallas office at the time of the JFK assassination.
      AJ is a pathological liar, so who really knows what's true.

    3. Thanks for the response, Joel. And speaking of AJ...


    4. And take a look at this... [finger snap]


  4. Joel, you wrote in one of your YouTube video's comments section that the U.S. Dept. of Defense employs disabled and drug addicted U.S. military veterans as internet psyop trolls. Do you know any more details about this program? I'd like to learn much more about this subject.
